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发布时间:2022-07-10       发布者:2022-07-10       浏览次数:

International students of ECJTU won awards in the National Fitness Online Games and 2022 (the Second) Global Taijiquan Online Competition

近期我校塔吉克斯坦籍留学生Usmanova Amina参加全民健身线上运动会暨2022(第二届)全球太极拳网络大赛,并获二十四式简化太极拳境外女子C组三等奖及网络人气一等奖。

    Recently, Usmanova Amina, an international student of ECJTU from Tajikistan, participated in the National Fitness Online Games and the 2022 Global Taijiquan Online Competition and won the third prize in the overseas women's group C of the Twenty-four Simplified Taijiquan and the first prize in online popularity.


The "National Fitness Online Games" is a brand new event launched by the State General Administration of Sports in 2022 under the thinking of "Internet+". As a competition item of the "National Fitness Online Games", the 2022 (the second) Global Taijiquan Online Competition has a wider coverage and more participants than the first event, with a total of 21,083 participants from 47 countries and regions, and hundreds of participating universities.


Under the current normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, the university actively organizes international students to participate in various cultural and sports activities, and incorporates Taijiquan into the physical education system for international students, which effectively enhances their perception and identity of Chinese culture by promoting excellent traditional culture while improving students' physical quality and advocating a healthy lifestyle.

地址: 江西省南昌市经济开发区双港东大街808号北区教37栋

