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发布时间:2022-07-11       发布者:2022-07-11       浏览次数:

International students of ECJTU participated in Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Communications

Railway Driving Technology Sino-foreign Friendship Competition

and humanistic exchange activities


Recently, four international students from Congo (Brazzaville) and Bangladesh majoring in electrical engineering were selected by our university to attend intensive training at Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Communications to cooperate with the preparation for the World-skills Competition in mixed Chinese and foreign teams.


During the preparation period, the university held a Sino-foreign friendly competition and humanistic exchange activity on railroad driving technology. Relevant leaders observed the competition and expressed their appreciation for the skillful operation and wonderful performance of our international students, hoping that the mixed Chinese and foreign teams of the two universities could compete well in the future competition.

在中外学生人文交流活动中,我校来自孟加拉的HOSSAIN MD FOYSAL说:“这次集训给了我更好了解中国轨道交通发展的机会,特别是学习到了轨道列车驾驶技术。在集训过程中与中国学生互帮互助,积累了深厚的友谊”。ISLAM SHEIKH MOHSIN也表示,通过集训及友谊赛熟悉了城市轨道交通运营环境,是在中国留学期间将理论知识与实践技能的又一次完美结合。来自刚果的两名留学生也在此次中外人文交流活动中表达了自己的想法POUBA PAUL JENNIFER FORTUNEZ说:“在这几天的学习中,我学到了很多技能,进一步坚定了技能竞赛的信心”。NZIHOU AMOUR BATH说:“我了解了地铁司机的岗位作业,将全身心投入到训练中,在比赛中争得荣誉”。

During the humanistic exchange activities between Chinese and foreign students, HOSSAIN MD FOYSAL from Bangladesh said, "This training has given me an opportunity to better understand the development of China's rail transportation, especially to learn the rail train driving technology. ISLAM SHEIKH MOHSIN also said that he was familiar with the urban railway operation environment through the training and friendly competition, which was another perfect combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills during his study in China. Two international students from Congo, also expressed their thoughts in this Sino-foreign humanistic exchange activity, POUBA PAUL JENNIFER FORTUNEZ said, "I learned a lot of skills in these days and further strengthened my confidence in the skill competition". NZIHOU AMOUR BATH said: "I have learned about the job operation of subway driver and will devote myself to training to win the honor in the competition".

地址: 江西省南昌市经济开发区双港东大街808号北区教37栋

