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International Students Go to Honggutan Anti-drug Education andTechnology Museum Receive Anti-drug Education
发布时间:2021-11-26       发布者:2021-11-26       浏览次数:


In order to intensify anti-drug propaganda, comprehensively popularize drug prevention knowledge, and build a strong anti-drug defense line, on the afternoon of November 25, Deputy Director of International  Exchange Office Shang Yong led a team to organize all international students from the school to the Honggutan Anti-drug Education and Technology Museum to receive anti-drug education.



The anti-drug commentator introduced the international students from China's anti-drug history, anti-drug laws and regulations, anti-drug knowledge, and common types of drugs. At the same time, with the help of VR equipment, the international students experienced the dangers of drug driving.











完成禁毒学习教育后,每一位留学生都在“珍爱生命,远离毒品”的条幅上签名,郑重留下“say no to drugs”的承诺。交通工程专业乌兹别克斯坦籍2021级新生贝左克发自肺腑地向禁毒讲解员说:“毒品伤害个人、家庭、社会,拒绝毒品,就是保护自己和身边的每一个人。”

After completing the anti-drug education, every international student signed on the banner of "Cherish life, stay away from drugs" and solemnly left the promise of "say no to drugs". Bekzod, a Uzbekstani 2021 freshman majoring in transportation engineering, said from the bottom of his heart to the anti-drug commentator: "Drugs harm individuals, families, and society. To refuse drugs is to protect yourself and everyone around you."

地址: 江西省南昌市经济开发区双港东大街808号北区教37栋

