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The International Exchange Office conducts fire safety inspections of international student apartments and holds campus safety education lectures
发布时间:2021-11-08       发布者:2021-11-08       浏览次数:



In order to implement the safety development concept of General Secretary Jinping, establish the concept of "life first, safety first", adhere to the work policy of "prevention first, combining prevention and elimination", aiming at the characteristics of dry weather in autumn and winter and increasing fire hazards, November 5 , Shang Yong, deputy director of the International  Exchange Office, led a team to conduct a comprehensive fire safety inspection of the International Student Apartment, and invited  Wen Xilin from the Comprehensive Management Section of the Security Office to hold a campus safety education lecture for all international students.



Shang Yong focuses on whether the fire-fighting facilities of the International Student Apartment are intact and unobstructed; whether the fire-fighting evacuation signs and emergency lighting equipment are fully equipped and complete; whether the safe evacuation passage is unblocked; whether the outdoor fire hydrant layout meets the requirements; whether the residential personnel in the apartment meets the power consumption Requirements and other circumstances have carried out a carpet-style risk hazard investigation and fire safety inspections. In response to the problems found during the inspection, Shang Yong required relevant personnel to carry out on-site rectification, collectively summarize the identified risk points for the record, report to relevant departments in a timely manner and contact professionals for repairs.



Wen Xilin focused on fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-fraud, and personal injury in the campus safety education lectures, taught the knowledge of personal and property safety, and provided warning and education to international students through vivid and detailed typical cases.


This activity organically combines theory and practice, allowing international students to more intuitively understand and master safety knowledge, further enhance their safety awareness, and help them master basic fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-fraud, and anti-injury skills, and lay a foundation for the construction of a safe campus Solid foundation.

地址: 江西省南昌市经济开发区双港东大街808号北区教37栋

