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International College Holds Summer International Student Safety and Law Education Conference
发布时间:2021-07-12       发布者:2021-07-12       浏览次数:


The summer vacation is approaching. In order to strengthen the management of international students during the vacation and further enhance the awareness of safety, on the afternoon of July 10, the college held a summer international student safety and legal education conference in the conference room of the International Student Apartment. Vice Dean Shang Yong attended the meeting.


The meeting emphasized the safety precautions during holidays, especially in terms of electricity, travel, prohibition of wild swimming, and illegal employment. Shang Yong requires international students to strictly abide by Chinese laws and regulations and school rules to ensure a safe and orderly summer school life.




The international students filled out the "Notice of Holiday Safety for International Students" on the spot.




Through this conference, the awareness of safety precautions for international students has been improved, and it has provided guarantee for international students to spend a safe and beautiful holiday life, and further created a civilized, harmonious and stable campus environment.


地址: 江西省南昌市经济开发区双港东大街808号北区教37栋

