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International Exchange Office Launches "Red Day Reading" For International Students Series of Activities
发布时间:2021-07-07       发布者:2021-07-07       浏览次数:


"To understand China today, one must understand the China Communist Party ." General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote in a reply to the international students of Peking University. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi’s reply, the International  Exchange Office organized the school’s international students to carry out a series of "Red Day Reading" activities. On July 6, a team led by the Vice dean of the International Exchange Office, Shang Yong, went to Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Jianjun Sculpture Plaza to visit and learn.








"Thank you very much for this event organized by the school, which gave me a lot. I did not expect that China’s brilliant achievements today will be so difficult to walk step by step. In the future, I would like to learn more about China’s history and tell these stories to my relatives and friends in my hometown." said Amina, a student from Tajikistan.

地址: 江西省南昌市经济开发区双港东大街808号北区教37栋

